welcome to my blog. i ramble about books and comics that i like and how they’ve affected me as a writer. have a nice visit! and say hello :)
Hi! I'm Noel.
Grab a cup and let's talk about books.
Anecdotal Musings is a project I started in 2010 or so. In 2011 I decided to focus on reviewing the books I read that year and dissecting how they impacted me as a person and as an aspirational writer. I finally decided to make my own space on the interwebs instead of loafing for free on wordpress. Though wordpress was a good home for me, I'm ready to spread my wings. Welcome to a website by me (with help from my wonderful husband).
I love to discuss books with people and help them discover something they may love to read. Cause, let's be honest, whose TBR pile isn't big enough already?
When I'm not reading I'm probably doing all kinds of other things, but mostly I like podcasts as an alternative form of entertainment.
Let's talk about books!